The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) is a growing field of scholarship in higher education. SoTL fosters a scholarly approach to teaching, engages faculty in reflective practice about their work, and provides an avenue for a peer-reviewed source of evidence to reward teaching.

What is SoTL?

SoTL can be broadly defined as research or creative works that involve a systematic inquiry into the practice of teaching and learning.

Some of the many benefits of engaging in SoTL include:

  • Improving student learning through the exploration and development of best practice in teaching and learning
  • Furthering a culture of reflective, evidence-based teaching
  • Developing community among faculty across disciplines
  • Increasing the exposure of teacher-scholars at MSU Denver through public scholarship


Want to stay in the loop about SoTL?

Join our SoTL email list to be notified about upcoming events and resources.

SoTL Interest List

SoTL Faculty Learning Communities

We are currently recruiting for the SoTL FLCs starting in Summer/Fall 2025!

What are Focused Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) FLCs?

SoTL FLCs are small learning communities focused on scholarly exploration of a specific teaching and learning topic or question. Members of a focused SoTL FLC commit to working together during 2-3 semesters to conduct a SoTL study or create a piece of SoTL scholarship together.

Similar to other CTLD FLCs, a small group 3-5 of faculty/staff members work together to explore a common teaching issue in depth. However, in these focused SoTL FLCs, there is a clear expectation to develop a collaborative scholarly project (publication, manuscript, conference presentation, etc.) under the guidance of the FLC Facilitator.

Focused SoTL FLCS are outcome-based, rather than time-based. Each FLC has a small budget for books or materials, and members of the group receive a small stipend, dependent upon group size and paid out partly after a mid-point benchmark (such as project proposal/IRB approval), and partly after final completion (submission of manuscript or conference proposal).


Who should apply to participate as a member?

FLC member participants are not expected to be experts in SoTL. Rather, a variety of disciplines, backgrounds, and experience with SoTL research are desired for each project. Members are expected to be active contributors, and FLC facilitators will guide the group through the process.

The most important factor is your ability to work collaboratively on a project. Commitment could include (varies based on the project and methodology):

  • Regular (monthly or at times bi-weekly) meeting attendance and contributions
  • Reviewing literature in the field, contributing to an annotated bibliography
  • Implementing a teaching method within your course
  • Collecting and analyzing student data (surveys, interviews)
  • Contributing to a journal article or conference presentation


SoTL FLCs starting in 2025

Apply now for SoTL FLCs starting in summer/fall 2025

Apply to join a SoTL FLC!

2023-2024 SoTL FLCs

MSU Denver Faculty Research Symposium - Oct 24, 2025

Share your SoTL work at the annual MSU Denver Research Symposium.

Research Symposium Website

SoTL Conferences and Journals

SoTL Conferences

Kennesaw State SoTL Summit, completely virtual, usually in Sept

Intermountain Consortium for Faculty Development (ICFD)’s Teaching 4 Learning Conference, usually Feb/March in a western state (Utah, Idaho, Nevada)

SoTL Commons, Feb/March at Georgia Southern University

Lilly Conferences, Annual conferences in Asheville, Austin, San Diego, Traverse City, and Oxford, OH.

The Teaching Professor Conference, every June usually in New Orleans and an online conference fully virtual in November

National Higher Education Teaching Conference, sponsored by ACUE each summer

US Air Force Academy SoTL Forum, in Oct/Nov by email invitation only


Comprehensive lists of SoTL Conferences

Directory of Teaching and SoTL Conferences 

Past SoTL Events